What is meant by single cycle plan ?how it works?
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Answer / manoj
Single cycle plan is a maint plan for one maint strategy
i.e. yearly,quarterly,monthly etc.Once cycle start date is
set, it creates maint calls accordingly.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 23 Yes | 9 No |
Answer / maria terence
Single Cycle plan is used to create for regular and
repeated periodic maintenance. Its used for simple
maintenance cycles. No straterge used in single cycle plan
Is This Answer Correct ? | 14 Yes | 1 No |
Answer / pravin
single cycle plan is may be performance-based or time-
based but here it not required to maintain strategy.By
entering main. category we will create maint. plan for
particular object by using t-code IP41.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 15 Yes | 7 No |
Answer / sagar
Single cycle plan is Time base or Performance base
plan,here no maintenace stratergy assign. It will works on
fix monthly,quaterly,yearly,hourly or revolution base cycle
During creating single cycle Time base plan T-code IP41
enter maint. category PM Maintenace Order,enter perticular
equipment for creating prev.maint& assign task list & enter
the call horizon , sceduling period in plan.Then scedule it
T- code IP10,Then check it prev.maint.order created in
sceduling overview list T- codes IP24. Then select order go
to change order T - code IW32, If component req goods
movement , Confirm PM order IW41, Change order IW32 for
techo,settle order KO88 , then change order IW32 check the
settlement in cost,buiseness complete.
During creating single cycle performance base plan create
measuring pointor counter T- code Ik01 , then T-code IP41
enter maint. category PM Maintenace Order,enter perticular
equipment for creating prev.maint& counter & assign task
list & enter the call horizon , sceduling period in
plan.Then scedule plan T - code IP10,Create document for
entering reading. Then check sceduling overview list
IP24,chnge order IW32 , good movement, confirm order IW41,
Settle order KO88. Change order IW32 check settelement
complet bussiness.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 8 Yes | 2 No |
Answer / sandeep tawar
Through Single cycle Plan youn Can create cycle sets for Ex
250 hr, 500 hr, 1000 hr etc with an equipment and maintain
one Measuring Counter with it and create measurnin counter
daily for that counter , as the counter rached nearer to
the cycle order ot notification will get generated as per
teh call horizon that you have maintained scheduling
parameter in the the plan, in the single cycle plan we have
to define cycles sets, and on counter compulsory wit the
Is This Answer Correct ? | 7 Yes | 2 No |
Answer / venu
A single cycle maintenance plan is Time-based or
performance based plan.No stratrgy is assigned.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 7 Yes | 3 No |
Answer / qasim
A single cycle plan is a single frequency plan against an
equipment if we want to make different plan against an
equipment then we have to make different plan againste
frequancy i.e. Daily, Monthly, yearly etc.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 4 Yes | 0 No |
Answer / kcpatil
Single cycle plan is simple plan to execute the plan for a
particular equipment or subequipment on periodic basis and
also single cycle plan is may be performance-based or time-
based but here it not required to maintain strategy.By
entering main. category we will create maint. plan for
particular object by using t-code IP01
Is This Answer Correct ? | 4 Yes | 2 No |
Answer / sanjay tiwari
The Single Maintenance plan can be Performance Based or
Time based without any Maintenance strategy.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 3 Yes | 1 No |
Answer / yoganand goud.
To represent simple maintenance cycles, you can create a single cycle plan.
there are two types of plans in single cycle one is time based and another one is performance based.
TIME BASED:Maintenance is performed in specific cycles for time-based maintenance planning, for example, every two months or every six months.
PERFORMANCE BASED:With performance-based maintenance plans, you can plan regular maintenance based on counter readings maintained for measuring points at pieces of equipment and functional locations.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 2 Yes | 0 No |
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