difference between the workarea and headerline.plz tell me
the answer
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Answer / rakesh akula
internal table with header line contains header and body.
any record which is to inserted into the internal table
body passes to header line first then it is appended or we
can say pushed to body of internal table. The header and
body has the same name.
Suppose we have a internal table having fields NAME, AGE.
and our internal table name is ITAB.
itab-name = 'Rakesh'.
itab-age = '26'.
Append itab to itab. (" appends headerline ITAB to Body IT")
or we can use :- append itab. (both the above code works
whereas in workarea it also works similarly as a header
only difference is that its a headerline which is declared
explicitly and it is not attached with an internal table .
to append the work area containining a singel record into
internal table without header line :-
wa-name = 'Rakesh'.
wa-age = '26'.
Append Wa to ITAB.
I suppose this information will clear doubts .
Is This Answer Correct ? | 25 Yes | 0 No |
Answer / swati
please dont write wrong answer mr. SJHA ..do you know what
is sap or abap? cartoon
function of work area and header line is same.
Both are used to processed the data from internal table .
as i know the default work area of an internal table is a
header line.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 9 Yes | 3 No |
Answer / jyo
Header Line
While adding or retrieving records to or from internal table
we have to keep the record temporarily.
The area where this record is kept is called as work area
for the internal table. The area must have the same
structure as that of internal table. An internal table
consists of a body and an optional header line.
Header line is a implicit work area for the internal table.
It depends on how the internal table is declared that the
itab will have the header line or not.
The header line is a field string with the same structure as
a row of the body, but it can only hold a single row.
data: begin of itab occurs 10,
ab type c,
cd type i,
end of itab. " this table will have the header line.
Work Area
Work area is of the same structure like internal table
referred, it will also possess only one record, but this is
declared explicitly, to perform calculations and other
Work area is like a paper and pencil concept, where the
calculations and manipulations will be done and will be
erased after the execution.
data: wa_itab like itab. " explicit work area for itab
data: itab1 like itab occurs 10. " table is without header line.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 1 Yes | 0 No |
Answer / vandan
Workarea and headerline both are contain single record
structure.normally we have two types of internal tables.
1. with headerline
2. with out headerline
in with headerline internal table it self first row
contains workarea. In case of without headerline internal
table it will contain work area and body.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 5 Yes | 13 No |
Answer / sjha
Workarea contains the multiple records and whenever
headerline contains single record.
Declarations are as
lt_mara type standard table of mara : workarea
ls_mara type mara : Headerine
Is This Answer Correct ? | 3 Yes | 40 No |
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