What is the difference between bdc_open_group and bdc_open_dataset. : abap bdc
hi.. sap sd is installed in my PC .i m unable to start becoz ,i have given wrong password many times and it's locked.please tell me how can i open SAP logon. tell the process at my id dst.noida@rediffmail.com please advance thanx
What is view? Different types of view.
What is WEB Dynpro Comp. / intf?
what is Deep Structure?
5 Answers Cap Gemini, TATA, TCS,
What is an interactive report?
Can you show multiple alvs on a single screen?
what is direct input method?
What is the tcode for sapscript forms?
Explain the difference between get and get late?
What is the table, which contain the details of all the name of the programs and forms?
How to Search for User-exits for a particular Transaction?
What are dynamic modifications of a screen? explain in detail?