Give 3 scenario of reporting due to which you require
reporting help of ABAP consultant?
what is the main difference between headerline and workarea??
how should post data from my internal table to flat file manually in bdc .please explain step by step
Which objects are independent transport objects?
What is a development class? : abap data dictionary
From Excel to ABAP - Is batch mode possible ?
What is the project you are currently working and work that you are doing
how to maintain the quantity field in bdc
I have 100 records and 75th record contains error,if i use call transaction how many records will update the data base and if i use session method how many will update?
What are the types of search helps? : sap abap data dictionary
How do you document ABAP programs? Do you use program documentation menu option?
What do you mean by cluster tables in sap abap? Also explain what do you mean by table cluster? : abap data dictionary
why SAP script is clint dependent and smartform is clint indepedent ?