What is a development class? : abap data dictionary
What is alv programming in abap?
What are the table controls in bdc ? What is the difference between bdc and lsmw ?what is the difference between bdc and rfc ? : abap bdc
15) What is a Normal,Constant and Variable Window?
wat is the difference between A-gate & W-gate?where are they used?
What is the first thing you do after vendor setup is complete?
at the checking of sy-subrc after call transaction stmt,if it is zero what is the meaning of that of syn and asynch updates explain. a.)update of database table is success. b.)execution of call transaction is success. For syn update which one is correct? For asyn update which one is correct?
1 Answers Bristle Cone, Cap Gemini, HP, Satyam, Wipro,
If internal table used in for all entries in empty then what happens?
What functions does a data dictionary perform ?
how we can do transfer data from oracle/access to our sap R/3 system by using call transaction(recording) or session method. pls reply on my id: zaheer_guts@yahoo.co.in
What is the mandatory event in LDBs.
When we copy any Driver Program from Nace............when we copy into zprog,when we activate how it was linking to that particular std layout............what happening to the previous driver prog?
Explain how to write a bdc - how do you go about it?