What do you mean by cluster tables in sap abap? Also explain what do you mean by table cluster? : abap data dictionary
Can any one tell me the exact difference between BAPI and RFC.
In the user exits,how we can know that which field you are changing.Could any tell me what are the steps required
Give me the Full flow of SD and MM
Can I Get the field name's of mara table.
hi,how to diable the popup window which is displayed afetr executing the SAP script program?
What is difference between dependent and independent data?
Can we store Data in Cluster table?
Explain the difference between float and packed data type?
What are the three ways for searching for Enhancements ?
can i write combine code for row material and finish good for BDC?plz give me steps to create combine bdc.
i want to add 2 records to a table but the last field in the table is 1000 char long.Is it possible?if yes how?
Can you delete data element, which is being used by table fields?