Which objects are independent transport objects?
Does the call transaction method allow multiple transactions to be processed by sap?
after creating lock object if does n't access record by second user what should we do?
How do you Export a session ?
What is page window?
Explain the concept of clusters in payroll
what is the difference bet ween the appened and insert statment.plz tell me the answer.
3. What is table maintaince generator ? How do u do it ? Use of it ?
What is the basic difference internal tables and database tables? : abap data dictionary
What are the three components of a work process?
Explain the differences between at selection-screen and at selection-screen output?
What is tmg?
1)can any body tell the transport request number concept and 2)there are 3 screens in one screen u have uploaded the resume and second screen also u have done the same thing but when u are uploading the resume in third screen u got some error in somewhere else but whatever u have uploaded the resume in 1 and 2 should not