Explain how data is stored in cluster table?
can any one answer these questions 1)How do you convert non-character field to character field? 2)How do you work with semi colon separated files? 3)why cant we use normal function module for data transfer? 4)what is the structure of CTU-PARAMS? 5)can we use transfer dataset to transfer data in internal table?
What is the syntax for ‘call transaction’?
What is meant by read lock? : sap abap data dictionary
5. What is the difference between report and script?
can we fetch data , when we write a select query under end - of - selection event.
If u r working with call transaction method .any problem occurs error records r stored in BDCMSGCOLL structure.How do u find that an error has occured at a particular point,how can u handle to rectify and process it successfully? If a file has 10000 records where 3 records doent having right format,how do u tackle with this issue either by using call transaction or session method to transfer data perfectly into database table?tell me the steps how to procede?
how can you call two forms in one sap sprict print program
tell me about NGT?
Can you create a Lock Object? What are Lock Objects?
diff between BADI and ENHANCEMENT ??
What are uses of foreign key?
What are the functional modules used in sequence in bdc? : abap hr