What commands are used to change database table entries ?
I am uploading 100 records out of which say 59th record has error so what will happen if I am using synchronous or asynchronous method of bdc? Can we update the database using local update mode how? : abap bdc
Can we debug RFC's? If yes how can we do?
What are the different types of view?
How many main windows can create in Scripts?
What is the effect on Customer Exits and User Exits maintained in a system on Up-gradation .
what is Primary key and unique key and what is the Difference?
what is the purpose of table maintanance,(i think it's for authorizarion purpose) what is ment by authorization?
4. You are given functional specs for a BDC program and you need to decide whether to write a method call transaction or a session. How u will decide?
Suppose Idoc is strucked in the Q then how can I resend it?
if we are inserting record in BDC,if poweroff how can you know how many records inserted?(poweroff yourside)
how many indexes can be created for a table?
How to call a subroutine in sapscript?