what is meant by ale configuration? what can u do in ale
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Answer / lokesh
ALE configuration :
Goto SALE T-code then
1) Design LogicalSystem and go back to IMG initial Screen
and 2) Assign Logical System to the client.
3)then Goto SM59 to create RFC Destinatio for the Logical
System (i.e.receiver system.).
4) then Goto WE21 T-code for Port Creation in WE20 select
TranscationalPort and create your Own Port.
5) Goto BD64 T-code for Distribution Model
here we create Model view and specifies the what kind of
Message is distributed between them .
6)we'll save and goto environment in the menu bar..
7) goto we20 T-code for Partner Profile ..create the
Partner file ..and give inbound and outbound messagetypes.
These r the steps for ALE Configuration.
Suppose If u Specify Matmas as Message type ...got BD10 and
sent the material .
I think this my help you...
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Answer / kumar
In ALE configaretion Main thing is to Form a bridge
between to or more Systems,that means to configure the
required systems through Creating Logical Systems Using
That is related to Basis Guys, some time ABAPer Can do.
and also test the configuretion using the Remote Logon i,e.
SM 59. After that BD64 to Distiributon Model.
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Answer / poorna
maintaning logical systems and assigning clients to logical
systems and maintaning cdm by tcodebd64 and maintaning rfc
destination by sm49
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correct all performance problem without changing any functionality REPORT z_assignment_01. DATA: gt_user TYPE TABLE OF usr02 WITH HEADER LINE, gt_user_role TYPE TABLE OF agr_users WITH HEADER LINE, ********** DO NOT CHANGE THIS SECTION ********** g_begintime TYPE i, g_endtime TYPE i, g_tottime TYPE i. DATA: BEGIN OF gt_output OCCURS 0, bname LIKE usr02-bname, name_text LIKE adrp-name_text, agr_name LIKE agr_users-agr_name, text LIKE agr_texts-text, role_count TYPE i, END OF gt_output. TYPE-POOLS: slis. START-OF-SELECTION. GET RUN TIME FIELD g_begintime. ********** END NO CHANGE ********** SELECT * INTO TABLE gt_user FROM usr02 WHERE class > 'E'. SELECT * INTO TABLE gt_user_role FROM agr_users FOR ALL ENTRIES IN gt_user WHERE uname = gt_user-bname. PERFORM combine_tables. PERFORM get_addl_data. ********** DO NOT CHANGE THIS SECTION ********** GET RUN TIME FIELD g_endtime. g_tottime = ( g_endtime / 1000000 ) - ( g_begintime / 1000000 ). MESSAGE s398(00) WITH g_tottime. PERFORM output. ********** END NO CHANGE ********** *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form combine_tables *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * Combine user and role tables *----------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM combine_tables. DATA: ls_usr21 TYPE usr21, ls_adrp TYPE adrp, ls_texts TYPE agr_texts. LOOP AT gt_user. * Get user name SELECT * INTO ls_usr21 FROM usr21 WHERE bname = gt_user-bname. SELECT * INTO ls_adrp FROM adrp WHERE persnumber = ls_usr21-persnumber. gt_output-name_text = ls_adrp-name_text. ENDSELECT. ENDSELECT. LOOP AT gt_user_role WHERE uname = gt_user-bname. * Only process roles that are currently active CHECK gt_user_role-from_dat <= sy-datum AND gt_user_role-to_dat >= sy-datum. * Get role text SELECT * INTO ls_texts FROM agr_texts WHERE agr_name = gt_output-agr_name AND spras = sy-langu AND line = 0. gt_output-text = ls_texts-text. ENDSELECT. gt_output-bname = gt_user-bname. gt_output-agr_name = gt_user_role-agr_name. APPEND gt_output. ENDLOOP. ENDLOOP. ENDFORM. " combine_tables *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form get_addl_data *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * Get extra fields *----------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM get_addl_data. DATA: l_count TYPE i. * Count number of roles per user SORT gt_user_role BY uname. LOOP AT gt_user_role. ADD 1 TO l_count. AT END OF uname. LOOP AT gt_output WHERE bname = gt_user_role-uname. gt_output-role_count = l_count. MODIFY gt_output. CLEAR l_count. ENDLOOP. ENDAT. ENDLOOP. ENDFORM. " get_addl_data *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form output *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * Output report *----------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM output. DATA: lt_fieldcat TYPE slis_t_fieldcat_alv, ls_fieldcat TYPE slis_fieldcat_alv, l_repid LIKE sy-repid, ls_layout TYPE slis_layout_alv, ls_variant TYPE disvariant. l_repid = sy-repid. CALL FUNCTION 'REUSE_ALV_FIELDCATALOG_MERGE' EXPORTING i_program_name = l_repid i_internal_tabname = 'GT_OUTPUT' i_inclname = l_repid CHANGING ct_fieldcat = lt_fieldcat EXCEPTIONS inconsistent_interface = 1 program_error = 2 OTHERS = 3. IF sy-subrc <> 0. MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4. ENDIF. ls_fieldcat-seltext_l = 'Role Count'. ls_fieldcat-seltext_m = 'Role Count'. ls_fieldcat-seltext_s = 'Role Count'. ls_fieldcat-reptext_ddic = 'Role Count'. MODIFY lt_fieldcat FROM ls_fieldcat TRANSPORTING seltext_l seltext_m seltext_s reptext_ddic WHERE fieldname = 'ROLE_COUNT'. ls_layout-zebra = 'X'. ls_layout-colwidth_optimize = 'X'. CALL FUNCTION 'REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY' EXPORTING is_layout = ls_layout it_fieldcat = lt_fieldcat i_save = 'A' is_variant = ls_variant TABLES t_outtab = gt_output EXCEPTIONS program_error = 1 OTHERS = 2. IF sy-subrc <> 0. MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4. ENDIF. ENDFORM. " output
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