how we can moddify a internal table without using modify
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Answer / saifur rahaman
please note if i am not wrong.
how can you expect the system to modify an interanl table
without we write a code which is given by the ABAP Key
please use modify statement.
and i think even if you use field symbols then also the FS
will not modify your internal table.
may subroutines if you pass the value by reference and the
form gets executed till the end , you may modify the values.
hope this will serve your purpose.
and then also if ur rigid to use modify statement then
Use Field Symbols
Something like this
DATA : itab TYPE TABLE OF string,
wa TYPE string.
FIELD-SYMBOLS : <wa> TYPE string.
wa = 'ABC'.
APPEND wa TO itab.
wa = 'ABC'.
APPEND wa TO itab.
wa = 'ABC'.
APPEND wa TO itab.
<wa> = 'DEF'.
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Answer / shailesh
Use field symbols. Field symbol is like a pointer in c. when you assign line of an internal table to a field symbol, it points to the same memory location. hence you change value of field symbol in turn changes the value in internal table.
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Answer / ravikanth
@ answer 3 above,
Answer 2 is good one to say.
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Answer / apoorv sharma
use insert statement ...
insert <workarea> into <internal table> index <index number>.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 6 Yes | 21 No |
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