What are aggregated objects
when you are using 2 internal table in program, you have decided to use for all entries statement to retrieve data but unfortunately there are no records in the first internal table. What will be the result? (2nd internal table contains records).
After Uploading logo into SAP-SCRIPT How To Check Whether It is Success fully Uploaded or not?
what is the difference b/w driver program & print program?
Can we have more than one selection-screen . And how ?
What is the Difference between At Line selection and At user-command?
Write special commands of list?
What is the difference of update types in call transaction method ? : abap bdc
How can u call a Report from a module pool program?
what is backend and frontend in case of sap abap? whom we are supposed to call as backenduser and frontend user.
What are the different types of data dictionary objects?
What is elementary search help? : sap abap data dictionary
Explain the program flow when we use logical database PNP or PNPCE