In an abap/4 program how do you access data that exists on a presentation server vs on an application server?
What is value table? : abap data dictionary
5) How to rereive text elements in SF and script?
What is sap abap data dictionary?
1)can any body tell the transport request number concept and 2)there are 3 screens in one screen u have uploaded the resume and second screen also u have done the same thing but when u are uploading the resume in third screen u got some error in somewhere else but whatever u have uploaded the resume in 1 and 2 should not
What is the difference between select statement and provide statement
Can multiple abap systems connect to abap database?
What is the difference between At selection screen and At selection screen on output?
what is badi?
What is pass by value and what is pass by reference? Which is better?
What is BDC?
How many lists you can have in a Interactive Report?
What is an interface? In what scenario we use interface? What is the difference between abstract class and interface?