could u explain the transport steps (step by step)
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Answer / accenture
it will be very difficult to explain the whole process as
this very long and big matter to explain.
but i can help few on this
for example we have 2 syatems DEV & PRD
when we release a change request from DEV from sap level in
behind the screen sap call the os level tool tp who make the
complete transport process.
tp calls some other subtools like r3trans to make the export
process. at the same time tp program writes some file to tmp
& cofile directory, R3trans reads those files and try to
make export the change request from the source system
database to the source system database to the operationg
system ( usr/sap/Trans - which is a sharing dir ). after
finishing work he left some file in the tem directory and
inform tp. tp collect those informationand sent this to sap.
the data of change request will be in sap/trans/data dir.
the transport information file will be in sap/trans/cofile.
the complete log information will be in sap/trans/log dir
which contains SLOG,ALOG AND ULOG with some files like
SIDE9****** And some other files.
note this - the data which will be in data dir will be in
r3trans format. this helps us to make transport database
same as export/release process in import phase also r3trans
do the same work to make import.
some others programs, tools and tableS also take part in
this process like RDDIMPDP.TRBAT.TRJOB.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 13 Yes | 1 No |
Answer / amit kulkarni
If you have system landscape like this DEV-QAC-PRD..
Then first reales the request from DEV via SE09 or se10,
use tcode STMS forward that requset to QAC & import the
requset stms(QAC)..same forward & import process for PRD.
check a log after transport....for details pls read R/3
hand book Chapter No-6...that will help you lot.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 11 Yes | 0 No |
Answer / vinvk
1)ABAP Dictionary import with R3trans: All ABAP dictionary
structural data is imported inactively,thus enabling you to
import into an active R/3 System.
2)Activation of ABAP dictionary and distribution: Runtime
descriptions (nametabs) are written inactively. After
activation and running logical checks for the new dictionary
structures, the distributio n program decides what actions
are required to bring the new objects into the running system.
3)Structure conversion: If necessary, changes are made to
table structures.
4)Move nametabs: After the new ABAP runtime objects are put
into the active runtime environment,database structures are
adjusted if necessary. From the beginning of this step until
the end of the main import, inconsistencies may occur in the
R/3 System that are removed at the end of the main
5)Main import with R3trans: All data is imported and the R/3
System returns to a consistent state.
6)Activation and conversion of enqueue objects: Objects that
were not previously activated are activated in this separate
step after the main import. They are used immediately in the
running system.
7)Import of application defined objects (ADOs): These
objects include forms, styles, and printer definitions.
8)Logical imports: This phase is currently not active and is
ignored during the import process. The intentions of this
phase will be to import data to a shadow client prior to
performing required Customizing transactions in the target
9)Versioning: Versions of Repository objects are only
created on the R/3 System from which the objects was
exported. However, the import process does modify the
object's Version counter which is incremented for all
Repository objects during import.
10)Execution of user-defined activities (XPRAs): XPRAs are
objects that can be used to start reports in the target
system. The XPRA object has the same name as the report.
11)Generation of ABAP programs and screens: During this
step, you can resume normal business activities in the system.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 8 Yes | 0 No |
Answer / vinvk
forgot to add:)
you can get more info from basis week-2 material TABC10/11
Is This Answer Correct ? | 1 Yes | 0 No |
Answer / cool dude
you may transport via OS after uploading data / cofiles to
trans dir.
tp addtobuffer <request> <sapsid>
tp import <request> <sapsid>
Is This Answer Correct ? | 1 Yes | 1 No |
Answer / abhishek
stms click on truck  then you will get list of the
systems click on the development server then you will get
the list of the request click on refresh  you will get the
request no with green status select the request and then
run the truck  a window will promp select the options 
date,immediate start time after event, execution
(synchronous ,asynxhronous ) options (overwrite originals
overwrite object in unconfirmed Repairs import transport
request again , leave transport trequest for later import.)
click on next symbole  a window will prompt and show
imoport transport req into which system and client details
(now either login to the quality system or ) go back to
the list of the systems  click on the quality server click
on truck get the list and then click refresh again select
the request and click on the truck it will show a login
window for the quality system if you are in the development
system  by this way request can be transported.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 0 Yes | 0 No |
Answer / raghu chukkapalli
What do u mean by transport steps???
Is it setting transport management system?
Is This Answer Correct ? | 4 Yes | 5 No |
Answer / rabinesh singh
first of all go with t-code 'stms' then 'tranport overview'
then creat system either virtual or external for the
quality system and production system, if developement is
showing there then creat only qua & prod but if
developement is not there, then go with client '000' and
login with sap*, then 'stms' and creat from here all the
three, and do according to the above procedure and after
making all three go through 'transport routs' then
configuration, & then three system in a group, now give the
name of three group, and save it and activate it throughout
the transport management system is configured.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 4 Yes | 5 No |
Answer / manish gupta
Transaction SE09 which is usde by ABAP user after
successfully release request use Traction STMS_IMPORT
to import request and select option Asynchorous Option
to lock dialog and batch option
Is This Answer Correct ? | 1 Yes | 2 No |
Answer / arjun
transport steps: doesn`t make much sense...
transport contains export and import.
before doing an export or import .. first you have to set-
up transport management system.
then export a transport request and after that go to target
system and import it.
so now tell us your question ....
you want steps to configure TMS or export tp or import
tp. ????
Is This Answer Correct ? | 2 Yes | 5 No |
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