What settings we have to do in EEWC while using slandalone
SAP-CRM system.
In operation modes i have schedule some jobs in off peak but the jobs are not completed with in time of off peak what happen at this time whether they wait until jobs complet or change to peak mode ? off peak time interval is from 6.0 pm to 6.0 am and peak time interval is from 6.0 am to 6.0 pm
Can you tell me the path in service market place for download support packs and kernel
how to check the TRANS directory size and what is its default value?
What the immediate steps if the instance did not came up after restart in both AS ABAP and AS Java?
what is role of sap administrator in pi & ep?
How to transfer request which is created directly on quality server & has to be moved to in production server?
production is down and you should up it in 20 min .....what will you do....
How will go about doing a client copy ?
How to define instances and operation modes?
Where are t-code name and program values stored? How can I find a list of all the t-codes in the SAP system?
How to Check From SAP Level and OS level, that your system is DUAL STACK or SINGLE STACK???
How you will rate yourself in SAP, Oracle from a scale 1 - 10?