How you will do client copy? If SAP * user is not available
at all
in your system then how u will do client copy?
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5.12 Performing the Client Copy
SAPinst creates three ABAP clients during the installation,
client 000, client 001, and client 066.
Client 000 is the SAP reference client for ABAP.
If you chose to install an ABAP+Java system in one
installation run, AS Java was configured against
client 001 during the installation.
Your production client must be a copy of the SAP reference
client 000. For more information, see
Production Client Considerations [page 24]
Only valid for: Process Integration (PI)
For client copy considerations for usage type Process
Integration (PI), see SAP Note 940309.
End of: Process Integration (PI)
1. Maintain the new client with transaction SCC4.
2. Activate kernel user SAP*:
a) Set the profile parameter login/no_automatic_user_sapstar
to 0.
b) Restart the application server.
3. Log on to the new client with kernel user SAP* and
password PASS.
4. Copy the client with transaction SCCL and profile SAP_CUST.
5. Check the log files with transaction SCC3.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 6 Yes | 1 No |
Answer / arpit kadia
guys i have created a new client named 303 and now i want to do client copy so for that i tried to login client 303
userid sap* and password is pass but i coudnt loged in
please advice
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Answer / ganesh varma
Hi all
There is no concept without sap* to do the client copy
Some times we have to to delete the sap* by using the
command [delete from sapr3.usr02 where bname='SAP*'
and mandt=client number'] After that it will create a sap*
with default password [pass]
Login as sap* then we can do the client copy by using the
transaction [sccl/scc7/scc8/scc9].
Is This Answer Correct ? | 1 Yes | 1 No |
Answer / ramesh nair
Delete the UMR of Sap*
Go to RZ11 Change the parameter
put the value 0
and restart the instance
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Answer / c00ki3
We can go to sql query and unlock the user sap*
To unlock all the users who are locked
update sapr3.usr02 set uflag='0' where mandt='<client number>';
To Unlock particular users:
update SAPR3.USR02 set UFLAG = 0 where MANDT = <client number> and BNAME != <don't lock user 1>
AND BNAME != <don't lock user 2>;
U can unlock all the users locked with uflag =64 or 128 (locked by admin or wrong pass attempt
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Answer / sushil singh
well there is no question of that sap* is not available because when ever we install new system and perform post installation we set paramaeter in RZ10 for login.
Because of this whenever we define new client in SCC4 and perform client copy by setting parameter at initial it gives you the power of automatic login to SAP* user with Password PASS in SAP R/3 4.7 by DEFAULT and in ECC 6.0 swe configure this parameter
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Answer / mahi
Why SAP* is required for client copy?....You can use your
own user id right?
Is This Answer Correct ? | 6 Yes | 8 No |
Whenever you create new client ,automatically sap* login is
created by default in new client,with pass word pass .
so how we can say that if sap* not available at all
Is This Answer Correct ? | 10 Yes | 15 No |
Answer / syedd mahboob feroz ahmed
We cannot do client copy without SAP* User So,to obtain
SAP* User back we should create Cloned Role first once we
obtain the list of table users and get back SAP* User then
we can login through SA* User and can Continue with Client
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There are 2 types of client copies
Remote Client copy
Local Client copy
Local client copy : it is in the system , between different
Remote client copy : it is between the different systems on
for these client copies to take place parameters required
source system
target system
rfc destination
and the transport layer should be fine assumin all this ok
now go to other system
create a new client
copy the sap* to newly created client
try to import that client , by copying the changes to
transport directory or via ftp
Is This Answer Correct ? | 7 Yes | 15 No |
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