How you will do client copy? If SAP * user is not available
at all
in your system then how u will do client copy?
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Answer / raghu chukkapalli
Just goto RZ04 and increase the number of background
processes in the specified operation mode.
We do a system copy using SCCL transaction.
If SAP* is not available, login at OS level as SIDADM and
sqlplus /nolog
connect /as sysdba;
delete sapsr3.usr02 where mandt='<client no.>' and
goto /usr/sap/SID/SYS/profile and change the default
Add the parameter login/no_automatic_user_sapstar=0
goto RZ10,select default profile and extended maintenance
and change.
add the parameter login/no_automatic_user_sapstar=0 here
Hope it helps.
Raghu Chukkapalli
Is This Answer Correct ? | 72 Yes | 2 No |
Answer / ganesh
there is no question of not having sap* in the system.why
because even if the sap star is deleated it will get back
when ever the system is restarted at that time the password
must be PASS.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 80 Yes | 20 No |
Answer / zack
First define a client using SCC4, login into target client
using SAP* and then run SCCL to do client copy.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 66 Yes | 35 No |
Answer / nirgun
go to rz10 and change parameter
login/no_automatic_user_sapstar 0 to 1. so u can login with
Is This Answer Correct ? | 41 Yes | 21 No |
Answer / nirgun
i think, goto instance profile from RZ10 and change parameter
0 to 1. so that now u can login with SAP*. and u can do the
client copy.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 46 Yes | 27 No |
Answer / arjun
the is no question of not having a user sap* .
and if you forget the password, just go and delete the user
from os level. system will create the user sap* by itself
and password will be pass.
and i think any superuser can do the client copy.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 17 Yes | 4 No |
Answer / patchipala
When ever we create new client user SAP* is default for new
client. Make sure values for
login/no_automatic_user_sapstar parameter set to 0. And
login to new client as SAP* with password. Until SAP* is
created in any new client the validation is always from OS
level. If SAP* creates in client then the validation is
from database.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 11 Yes | 0 No |
Answer / john
SAP* user is always available. It's built in. Simply make
sure profile allows you to login via
login/no_automatic_user_sapstar=0 (by default, it is 1)
then restart SAP. Will always work for your new client
copy. If you need to break into a system using SAP*, you
will need to delete the user at the DB level
(for example, delete from sapr3.usr02 where bname='SAP*'
and mandt='100) AND use that parm.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 11 Yes | 0 No |
Answer / jins baby
1) Create a Client using SCC4
Note: If you are trying to login with sap* & pass it won't
allow you. So follow this step
a) Go to RZ10
b) Select Instance Profile
c) Choose Extended Maintanance
d) Click on paramater button
e) Select parameter login/no_automatic_user_sapstar “ and
set value as “ 0 ”
d) Click on back button ,it will prompt you for saving.
e) Restart the system so that the values will be affected.
2)Login as sap* and pass in newly created client
Note: If you need to do a local client copy u should log
on to destination client.
3) select which type of client copy you want
(i will explain the local client copy)
4) go to SCCL
5) Select Source Client (Eg 001), select the profile(eg:
6) Schedule this a Background Job
7) It will take some time to finish the client copy(It
depends on the profile you have choosen above), this time
dont log on to source and destination client.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 10 Yes | 0 No |
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