What happens when there 2 enqueue in R/3 system ?
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Answer / rony
basically enqueue process is used to bring consistency in the
system, but they are scenarios when more than 1 enqueue
processes are configured, and also depending upon memory we
can have more than 1 enqueue processes i.e. each enqueue
process may consume from 4mb to 100mb of memory.
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Answer / robin
Enqueue service can be more than one...it depends on the
users and load on the DB/CI/APP.
There will be no issue if more than one enque.....
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Answer / s.m.feroz ahmed
Enqueue process takes place if multiple users try to access
the same Tcode at same instance if one user is trying to
make modifications or changes through that particular Tcode.
For Example: If a particular user is trying to make use of
Tcode "SU01" and trying to make changes through that
particlar Tcode and if another login and try to make use of
the same Tcode for making changes then "Enqueue Process"
takes place at that instance to withheld from making
changes till the first user is out of that Tcode.
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