Which one is better joins or views and why?
What is the collect statement?
Whether Project contains enhancement or Enhancement contains Projects?
How to determine the attributes of an internal table?
What are the Synchronous and asynchronous methods in bdc ?
In a script, i want to print something at end of last page only.How can i print it?
How memory management happens for internal tables and work areas in abap?
what is the difference between user exit and customer exit? what is ment by cusomer exit?and what is the difference between user exit and badi?
What are critical issues you have faced in your project
wht is the diff. b/n initialization and lotus of event
Explain the advantage of structures?
the problem is that , while i am undergoing with my practice session, i am creating too many new programs.they are occupying much space in my hard-disk. how to delete un-necessary programs completely from my data- base........... plz help me with this .....
what is main difference b/w reports and module pool?exact answer?