Explain the advantage of structures?
Types of windows in SAP scripts?
9 Answers vCentric Technologies,
could u plz provide me the details of blue printing? Role of an abapper in implementation project? Details steps of implementation? Regards, Rahul
What is a table cluster? : abap data dictionary
What are indexes? : abap hr
why abap/4 is 4th generation language ?
4 Answers Kansai Nerolac Paints Limited,
How do you generate Interactive report using ALV's?
What is the diffreence between bdc_close_group and bdc_close_dataset? : abap bdc
How data is stored in cluster table?
How to validate the entry in Screen & dialog proframming?? Is there any way to send the error??
Where do you use help views?
What are the disadvantages of different types of bdc's?
types of smartforms? windows in smartforms?