Whether Project contains enhancement or Enhancement
contains Projects?
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What is occurs in internal table?
i am new for sapabap. i want to about sapabap it is easy to learn or not ple give me answer. i am feeling about programing. ple give me answer.
Define infotype ? : abap hr
what is at new carrier
While Transporting Smartform form Dev to Test to Production, it is possible that Name of the Function Module change, Why? In which case it changes and in which case it remains same?
Can any one tell me the exact difference between BAPI and RFC.
What is the disadvantage of using EXEC SQL stmt do in ABAP?
In Open SQL statements such as Insert update delete which one is FASTlLY retrieve the results and which one is Efficient?
what is the full form of ECC 5.0?
which select statement is used in script?
Explain what is sap script? What is the purpose of sap script? Difference between sap script and report?
What you modified in Purchase Order?