the problem is that , while i am undergoing with my
practice session, i am creating too many new programs.they
are occupying much space in my hard-disk. how to delete
un-necessary programs completely from my data-
plz help me with this .....
How to create report in SD open sales order which covers all Organization, delivery status, shipping details and partner function details. plz mention the detail coding Tahnks, Rahul
what is the standard program to check the consistency of the partner profiles?
What is the purpose of table maintains in se11?
Final entry in the BDC Table?
What is a view in sap? : abap data dictionary
What event is trigger wen screen is displayed?Before displaying Initailization and Pressing enter At selection- Screen..............But at the selection displayed and we are entering values naa that time?
What are the basic components of dialog program?
Can you set up background processing using call transaction?
What is amdp (abap managed data procedures)?
Explain what is sap script?
Polymorphism real time scenario
What is the difference between ABAP and HR ABAP