Explain different types of locks?
What are internal tables? How to use a specific number occurs statement?
How can u decide that how many records can be displayed in one page in scripts ? or in one window ? 2. what is enhancement category in transparent table ?
i want to add 2 records to a table but the last field in the table is 1000 char long.Is it possible?if yes how?
What is the difference between a structure and a table?
Explain the difference between domain and data element? What are aggregate object?
What are the events used in abap in the order of execution?
What is a subroutine?
How do you find number of records present in internal table?
what is difference between user exit, customer exit and badi?
what is RFC?types of RFCs?please any one can give me the interfaces in sap abap with example?
difference between BAPI and RFC?
Where do you create indexes in abap?