what is 3 tire architecture and how does SAP utilizes this
architecture. and how do netweaver came into picture?
What are the differences between structure and table in data dictionary in abap? : sap abap data dictionary
What are the different methods of bdc? : abap bdc
What are the different types of the variable in the sap abap?
Where are you used type casting?
What are local objects?
Can a transparent table exist in the data dictionary but not in the database physically?
what is RFC?types of RFCs?please any one can give me the interfaces in sap abap with example?
Whom you report if you face difficulty in understanding the business process given in Functional Spec.
Which bdc you prefer? : abap bdc
Explain what are the steps in the SD process at least up to the invoicing stage?
Define database layer?
Explain about Recording Function?