what are the sales document types in sap? What is the configuration step to define sales document type in sap sd?
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Hi. What are the accounting entries will happen after PGI.Thanks ..
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hi this is jayeshbabu (sap sd) i have give an interview with l&t infotech they asked ,e about 1) wht u have done in cutover activity? 2)where is the help desk? 3)one complex ticket where u had to put ur thinking caps on? 4)in which scenario v go for different pricing procedure at orders and billing? plz do answer this i would be very thankful to u in advance
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Hi SD Experts, what is the difference between the Consignment Issue (CI) & Consignment Pick up (CP) with relation to Sales Document Types, item Categories & Schedule line Categories? Also give definition of both Consignment Issue & Consignment Pick Up along with detailed explanation in relation to its configuration & customization steps along with Business Scenarios? Explain in detail about how do you copy an existing Sales Document type CI & CP, how do you name it( Plz give Name key from your real time data) and what are the customizations you have done for your client? Do provide the document flow for both the Document Types CI & CP? Please provide as many real time data examples as many as possible with reference to your client/ Project? I have interview within 1-2 days? So, I request you to provide solutions to above question as early as possible? Your timely help would be greatly appreciated? Thanks in advance Regards
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