In system landscape where the sand box and golden box
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Answer / ratnakar reddy k
The normal system landscape would be Development-Quality-
Here Sand Box system is nothing but the duplication of the
client environment to do what ever we want to
configure,integrate and test the transaction.
Where as the GOLD BOX is the system with the Finalized
Coniguration settigs to transport to development and
quality systems to do further testings.Here in gold box no
other information will be there other than the exact
configuration settings.
I can not tell exactly in which system landscape these two
fall into.
further explanation pls
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Answer / raghu
Golden client is also known as configuration client, which functional consultants do customizations & configurations, which normally is located in Development box(server).
Sandbox client is normally exists in development box, it is used to test consultants theories & ideas and it does not give any change requests.
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Sandbox is an SAP client where, carrying out any
configuration will not result in generation of a change
request number. It is basically like a free playing field,
so that before we do any configuration in development
client, we can be sure that it works.
Golden Box is normally a production client or a staging
client, where config settings are not done. Config settings
are transported from Dev client into staging and then
finally into production.
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