What is sales order item category determination and what is delivery item category determine?
In Rebate processing, i don't want to see the rebate condition but i want to see the same in billing.how do we do it?
what is solution builder? when and where it will be useful? Is also a methodolgy to implement the project?
What is the document Flow after Delivery using Shipment and Transportaion process till billing
What is the difference between forward scheduling and backword scheduling???
in sales order how can we kno which pricing proc is used in pricing
How BATCH is determined????
How to give free goods in consignment sales process.?
What is Revenue Recognition? It's relevance with SAP SD module along with it's detailed configuration procedure & steps?
7 Answers iGate, Maersk Line, Wipro,
Hi.The sales order and delivery has credit blocks.But the sales order has been released for delivery.Will the delivery will happen?. For credit relate is there any difference between current date and document date.Thanks in advance.
In Enterprise Structure, we maintain Language and Currency for various fields,, what is the diff e.g we have at Company level, CCA, Company Code, Sales Org etc...
when ever i create sales order the pricing condition is not coming automatically. The discount condition types like k004,k005,k007 are comes automatically,but pr00 is not coming automatically i entered manually. What could be the reason. Pls explaine me anybady. Thank you in advance. Regards, Ramesh.
A 'plant' is assigned to which of the entities in the sd organization?