where do we store all custom programs in SD module?
what connects smartform to it's driver program?
Setting up a BDC program where you find information from?
Explain open dataset in sap abap?
How to generate ABAP report ? requirement is like this... current Ratio and quick ratio and return on capital employed and debt equity ratio and employee turn over and gross profit ratio.. can u please prepare some function spec based on this requirement ..... can u send reply asap.
Q : I want to see material details in secondary list based on material No. from basic list. I will double click on any row, any field of basic list (not on field containing material no.) & the secondary list will display material details according to material No. on that row. Is it possible? If so how?
How to do find it?
What is repository info. Systems?
How to Search for User-exits for a particular Transaction?
What is sql trace? : abap data dictionary
How do you know that data is updated in call transaction
Which one is better joins or views and why?
What is the Difference between Transparant Tables , Pooled & cluster Tables?
1 Answers Patni, Satyam, Siemens,