What is repository info. Systems?
There is 1 person but it’s displaying that this person cannot be booked. He is not available for the business event. Can you tell me where is it going wrong? What can be the reasons? : sap abap hr
What is the diffrence between index and primary key?
How many default tab strips are there?
when are objects are passed from task to the change request?
Explain difference between primary key and unique key?
How to search a Internal Table Fields?
What are the drill-down features provided by abap/4 in interactive lists?
what are conversion routines
What is a data dictionary? : sap abap data dictionary
Hi to all abap guru's my question is how to print the page numbers like 2 4 6 on all pagess in smart forms means 2 on first page 4 on second page thanks in advance
how to find out where to create a badi.
What is BAPI ? & its used & functionality.