kpitcummins sap sd Bangalore, client sony
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Answer / syamala
Use the routine in the item catg of standard LF-F8 copy
control (Delivery to Proforma Inv) 010 for LF-F2 so that
without PGI you can do billing.
But I hope this will have certain issues such as
1. You can create more than 1 billing doc for the same
2. There is no control in goods mov. i.e since you create
your Inv first, even if you forget to do PGI there is no
check. Hence Physically Stock will be out , but from system
point of view stock still remains which leads to errors.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 7 Yes | 2 No |
Answer / ranjitkumar jagani
We Can do "PGI" after billing but prior to this we have to maintain "copying requirements as 011" in vtlf(copy controls)
Is This Answer Correct ? | 4 Yes | 0 No |
Answer / sapsd
In cash sales, we can do Mass PGI after Billing done
Is This Answer Correct ? | 2 Yes | 1 No |
Answer / rio
For normal sales order, if partially billed then we can do the PGI for the rest part.
For STO, that's the same
Is This Answer Correct ? | 2 Yes | 2 No |
Answer / debadatta mishra
Yes it can be done. If business wants to send Invoice along with shipment user has to raise invoice with out PGI. Copying Requirement 11- header delivery.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 1 Yes | 2 No |
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