Q)if u r using 10 firefighter ids at a time? How will the
log reports goes to controller?
Q)wt is ruleset? and how to update risk id in rule set?
Q)wt is the procedure for Role modifications?explain with
Q)who will done user comparision?
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Answer / sridhar gajulapalli
User comparision:
This is done when ever role is already assigned to users and changes are done in that role. In order to get the changes adjusted in the roles, user comparision is done.
Also during indirect asssignment of roles to user using t codes Po13 and po10, we have to to do user comparision, so that the roles get reflected in the SU01 record of user.
Generally this task is done PFCG_TIME_DEPENDENCY background job which runs once daily so that roles are adjusted after running this report.
If changes are to be reflected immediately, user comparision is recommended.
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1) log reports send through ( mail , workflow or
logdispaly ) these are available at options tab when we are
assigning fids to the controller tab.
2) ruleset which contains ( busniessprocess , risks ,
function and action,authorisations ) is know as rule set.
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