can you please send me SAP Security upgrade documents and
guide for CRM 5 and CRM 7 and what are the differeces
between crm 5 AND crm 7 according to sap security point of
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what is the procedure for deleting a role?
What appears as the last sentence in sap note 587410? What does it men and how would you restrict it?
How will remove all expired role assignments to number of users ?
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In SU53 screenshot , there are missing authorization. How you come to know that these are the relevant Roles in which we have to add these objects? Decision not SUIM
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SU24 must be set up before implementing any roles. A. True B. False
I have uploaded one role(its is derived role) from quality system to development system.After that, i have generated role and tried to move production. while transporting role i am getting below error ' ROLE TYPE IS UNDETERMINED ' can any body please provide the solution?
2 Answers British Council, CGI,
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