i have interview in Pepsi company what type of question will ask please send the question and answeer
3206What are the main differences between corporate debt and equity? Why do some firms try to issue equity in the guise of debt?
8 21704Are cost center assignments hierarchical? Where do you assign these in OM? What do you mean by planned times? Where are these stored for an employee? What do you mean by actual times? Where are these stored for an employee? What do you mean by deviations? Where are these stored for an employee? What is time management status 7? What is it used for? What is RPTQTA00? What does it do? What is RPTIME00?
3 10326I want to know that as a employee, how should we introduce ourself in front of Company Director.
1718Post New Pepsi Interview Questions
Why is error handling required?
What a local lookup is?
project plan for bug tracking system?
what is settlement profile...when i m doing varient configuration i am facing this problem while creating sales order plz explain me......
What is laravel slug?
How do I get rid of divider lines in word?
what should be correct gas pressures to be a 1.5 ac unite
The “preserve” check box must only be used at what stage in blue prism?
Define singlecall activation mode in .net remoting?
How will you define the term management?
Which is easier to learn react or angular?
What data is specified by schema?
Discuss the importance of vaccination in pediatric healthcare and the role of pediatricians in promoting immunization.
Q. what @the interview exact Q&A is it correct
How The Cloud Services Are Measured?