Hi SD Gurus, What is the difference between the Consignment
Fill up (CF) & Consignment Pick up (CP) with relation to
Sales Document Types, item Categories & Schedule line
Categories? Also give definition of both Consignment Fill Up
& Consignment Pick Up along with detailed explanation in
relation to its configuration& customization steps along
with Business Scenarios? Explain in detail about how do you
copy an existing Sales Document type CF & CP, how do you
name it ( Plz give Name key from your real time data)and
what are the customizations you have done for your client?
Do provide the document flow for both the Document Types CF
& CP? Please provide as many real time data examples as many
as possible with reference to your client/ Project? I have
interview within 1-2 days? So, I request you to provide
solutions to above question as early as possible? Your
timely help would be greatly appreciated? Thanks in advance
Question --- What are the Steps for the End-user Training in SAP-sd module?
1.can we generate our own customizing request number (ex-wsre255635).? 2.if any case we will possible to delete customizing request number?
what is configuration and customization in detail with examples-ramesh
What about your experience with EDI idoc, can you elaborate a bit of what’s your experience working with EDI and IDoc?
with reference to the controlling module,which of the following statements are true? a)Controlling provides information for design making b)Controlling (CO) and Financial Accounting (FI) are independent components in the SAP system c)one of the main task of controlling is planning. d)Controlling can be implemented completely independently of FI.
What is the transfer order?
At the time Customer fields are coming , how can we control those ,what are the obligatotory fields,what fields to suppress ? Before creation of account group what all prerequisite data required ?
What does the material type control?
Explain in detail about the MMR Sales org/ Plant view Availability Check field Checking Group options 01- Individual Requirements, 02- Collective Requirements—differences between them.
Types of billing?
In a return process for a faulty material for which invoice is done and customer wants to settle in 2 scenarios 1-- in credit memo and 2--by another material, how to configure this.
In sales order how to know which condition types are Exclusion marked?