Explain in detail about the MMR Sales org/ Plant view
Availability Check field Checking Group options 01-
Individual Requirements, 02- Collective
Requirements—differences between them.
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The availability check option in the MMR specifies whether
the individual requirement/collective requirements should
takes place.
Individual requirements will be taken care
immeditely,collective requirements takes place for
If it is the individual requirements then the
requirements will be transfered immediately.
Where as the collective requirements will be transferred as
per the 1day or 1 week.Which will be maintained in the
requirment classes.
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In the availability checking field you find two options
1:- Daily requirement
2:- Individual requirement.
Where as in daily requirement the systems give the
information of the exact quantity available at that
paarticular date (Exa. out of 10 only 4 available on that
date and the rest qty available date is ???
But in case of Individual requirement the systems show the
date with full qty available. not in split qty.It may be
on that date or nearest available date.
Where as in Individual check we can check with ATP logic &
RLT also.
Please suggest me if anythig worng??
I would be apreciate your answer..
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Answer / boyilla
availabulity check fieldd
1-daily req
2-individuval req
daily req we uses in standerd process
individuval req we use for make to order process,varient
configuration process.based on the order the production work
will be started
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