where will you first see if there is a performance problem....
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Answer / srikanti
Start monitoring the system health...
1. How many users logged on
2. How much the load currently in the system (running BGD
jobs, DIALOG works & etc)
3. Full analysis of Workload (ST03N)
4. And, buffers status (ST02)
5. Memory roll-in, roll-out ratios.
6. Load on database (DB02)
By having a quick look into all these areas we can dicide
something finally.
For BI system, additional checks also required.
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Answer / manish
In Case of performance problem,we need to find out the area
which is causing it.it can be done in following steps:
1.goto tranaction ST03 and checked for avaerage response
time.it sud not be more than 40% of DB response time.
In case it is,select the report/trasnsaction causing that
and look for the user or table bein accessed by double
clicking on that.
2.Check for the top CPU processes in ST06->detailed
analysis,it may happen that some DB related job is
running.clarify frm ur DBA
3.Some background job is running,it can also be checked
from ST03.
4.Data loading is in progress,incase of BW/BI system,in
this case there is no other option than to wait.
5.Check for the no of swaps in st02 and hit ratio.may be
that buffer size is too small to hold the required for huge
6.Network bottleneck can also happen.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 6 Yes | 0 No |
Answer / md belal akhter
we will use the transaction code ST02 to check the tune performance
Is This Answer Correct ? | 4 Yes | 0 No |
Answer / pankaj hadiya
Yes,obviously using t-code st02 then we shows a performance
prob.. like a d/b,buffers,..
Is This Answer Correct ? | 4 Yes | 1 No |
Performance time is mainly based on Dispatcher Waiting time
to serve the user request in the queue based on FIFO.
Dispatcher handles the user request to user context are for
roll in time and roll out time from the database to fetch
the user information
Is This Answer Correct ? | 1 Yes | 2 No |
Answer / raju
adding to ans 4, we have to check for locks in sm12.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 0 Yes | 1 No |
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