If Technical manager is not addressing to bugs while releasing the project , then how u can treat that bugs? a.open b.closed c.pending 4.deffered
11 14385Due to shutdown failure, one application is not running then what type of testing do u perform? Load testing or stress testing or recovery testing ?
3 7410find the odd man out in below testing techniques. a.loadtesting b.stress testing c.recovery testing d.integration testing also tell me why?
7 13061Trace to customer requirements - what type of testing it is.. a.tracebility testing b.white-box testing c.block box testing d.regression testing
4 7697Post New Logica CMG Interview Questions
Explain the use of retry statement in ruby?
Explain constraint based loading in informatica
What is the difference between require and include in php?
Differentiate between retrovirus and provirus.
How do you duplicate a document in word on a mac?
How to run different apps on single tomcat instance behind different ports?
Explain the difference between implicit and explicit route binding in laravel?
What is css after and before?
What are the different kinds of data providers?
What is the difference between die and exit in perl?
What is lock management in sap system? Explain.
Differentiate between static and dynamic resistance of a diode.
Rate yourself in technical and communication skills.
Do you know balancing in accounting?
Have you made any mistakes in your seo based profiles and how did you rectify them?