what is code to upload cost centers through call trans. and
What is the difference between rfc and bapi function modules? : abap bdc
what is the various print modes available with SAP scripts?
u r running a report .it is taking a long time for execution .what steps will u do to reduce the execution time?
4 Answers Bristle Cone, Cap Gemini, HP, Satyam, Wipro,
How many servers present for Database servers,Presentation and Application servers in Landscape? All these servers are present at client side or company side,means where the Database server is Located, where the Application and Presentation servers Located in a Landscape?
Smartform : how to print a smartform with portrait style and landscape style at the same time?
Please List ALL Events in Interactive Report & Classical Report in CORRECT ORDER.
What is the difference between synchronous and asynchronous update?
difference b/w classical report and intractive report
Did you create secondary index?
What is the difference between bdc_open_group and bdc_open_dataset. : abap bdc
Based on certain condition how can we show different columns in output of ALV?? For Ex if Condition A is met we need to show 1 5 and 7 column , If condition B is met we need to show 1 2 and 4 and if condition C is met we need to show 1 3 and 6.
Have you processed BDCs ?