Based on certain condition how can we show different columns in output of ALV?? For Ex if Condition A is met we need to show 1 5 and 7 column , If condition B is met we need to show 1 2 and 4 and if condition C is met we need to show 1 3 and 6.
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Everything what you asked for lies in the field catalog. Let us assume there are totally 7 fields (A to G) , and 3 conditions (X,Y,Z). So your code should be something like this:
If X, Pass A,C,D fields to field catalog.
elseif Y, Pass B,C,G fields to field catalog.
elseif Z, Pass E,F,G fields to field catalog.
Use the function modules REUSE_ALV_LIST_DISPLAY / REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY to execute the output and view it.
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Answer / prakash rao
built three diffrent filedcatlogs for three diff conditions
and display output.
if cond x.
perform buildcat1.
perform alv display1.
elseif cond y
perform buildcat2.
perform alv display2.
elseif cond z.
perform buildcat3.
perform alv display3.
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you can bulid three diffrent catlogues for three conditions.
if cond x.
perform build_cat1.
perform alv_display1.
elseif cond y.
perform build_cat2.
perform alv_display2.
elseif cond z.
perform build_cat3.
perform alv_display3.
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