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Answers / { jameer }

Question { CSIT, 11044 }

What is Item Category Control?


Item category specifies the nature of the article such as
1.Tan(Std Item)
2.001)Make to order item.
3.BANC (Individual purchase order item.
4.TANN (Free of charge item).

And these item categories controls the sales document
line item through by Pricing,Billing,Shipping etc.

Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 2 No

Question { Deloitte, 33073 }

What is the Function of item category group?


Item category group specifies 4 factors.

1. Sales Document Type of the document,whether it is Standard Item Ex: TA.
2. Usage of the line Item.
3. Item category of the line item.
4. Higher level category item.

Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 8 No

Question { Wipro, 23645 }

What is Returnable packaging processing means?


Returnable packaging process is where the customer will return the material used at the end of the complete usage,and that material valuation done as it is owned by the company itself only.

Eg: Gas cylinders,Cease fire,which are been able to refilled...

Is This Answer Correct ?    3 Yes 1 No

Question { Bristle Cone, 25751 }

what is main purpose of maintaining the master data?


All the data related to the organisation such as the Sales
Organisation,Business data will be stored and created
centrally,that data is called Master Data.

There are 3 types of master data.
1.Customer Master.
2.Material Master.
3.Customer material info records.

All the business process such as the
Inquiry,Quotation,PO,Sales Order,Delivery,Billing,Financial
posting in all these processes the data will be retrieved
from the Master data only.

So, without master data there will be no business
transactions can be done.

Is This Answer Correct ?    5 Yes 1 No

Question { IBM, 10800 }

What is your role in item category as per client requirement


Item category is the important phase in the sales document.

There are different types of Item categories.
1.Std Item(TA)
2.Free of Charge item (FSD)
3.Text Item (Tatx).
4.Service item (DIEN).\

Depends on the material the item usage will be known.For example you take.
1.Service item.(DIEN).. For this the delivery is not going to be done.
2.Std Item.(TA)..For this the pricing,delivery,Billing,Packing is going to take place.
3. Free of charge item(TAD)... The billing is not going to take place for the free of charge item.

So, like this depends upon the Item category the clients requirement can be fullfilled by taking this item cateogories.

Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 0 No

Question { Bristle Cone, 31519 }

what is differnce between inclusive and exclusive?


This cocept comes under the Free goods.

Scenario:When a customer purchases an article he will be given a free good.Eg:- On purchase of 10 articles,1 article is free.

There are 2 ways in Free goods.
1. Inlcusive:
In this an article Eg: pen is taken by the customer(For 10 pens he will be an article free of 1 "Pen" (same article).

2. Exclusive
In this an article Eg: pen is taken by the customer(For 10 pens he will be given an article free of 1 "Eraser" (different article).

Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 4 No

Question { IBM, 52055 }

when i creating the sales order the system show error "No
customer master record exist for sold to party". How to
rectify it?


The possible reasons are:

1.U need to check the Partner Function tab in the sales
area data section in the SOLD TO PARTY of your account
group.If u did not have the TAB u will get this kind of
error message.
If u wan to activate this tab.u need to do the following
Ans 1. While u had created the Account group of the partner
function Sold to party,in the Sales area data section,u
might have suppressed the PARTNER FUNCTIONS TAB in the
field section.

Even though if u get the same error then do these.

Ans 2. U need to check the partner functions tab and where
the partner functionality of each partner funtion will be
there automatically.

Even though if u get the same error then do these.

Ans 3.U need to do the partner determination procedure for
the customer master.

I am mentioning the path here.

Path: IMG-partner determination-set of partner
dermination-set of partner determination for customer
Note: If u had not taken the std Account grp.

Is This Answer Correct ?    0 Yes 2 No

Question { HP, 46727 }

can anybody get me some examples for gap analysis?


GAP analysis is matching the clients requirement to the SAP

The best example of GAP analysis is.

Business process is after the delivery, billing happens in
sap architecture.

But client specifies that he want billing to be done
before delivery.

Is This Answer Correct ?    6 Yes 4 No

Question { 7735 }

What are the business processes in your project?


Business Process in the Sap are.

1.ASAP(Business Blue Print).
2.As Is.(Matching the business requirements to the SAP).

Is This Answer Correct ?    0 Yes 10 No

Question { IBM, 34548 }

In a sales order processing, Condition records is already
maintained but still that particular Condition Type does
not shown in P.procedures in a sales order. Now what have
to do in this situation . plz reply anyone ( IBM
Interview) . **SUCHIT**


In the pricing procedure u need to maintain Mandatory
field.Then if you maintain the value in the condition
records no errors will be arise.

For ex:-
1. U had maintain PR00 for that u have to activate the
mandatory check box.
2. Then only the error message will not arise.

Note: If you had maintain the condition record,for the
condition type then in the pricing procedure u need to
check the mandatory box,or else u will get error.

Is This Answer Correct ?    0 Yes 0 No

Question { Wipro, 41218 }

Is it possible to block a material for sales order so that
it should not give any yellow exclamation-warning
message....in other way it should give an error message so
that we can not proceed further?
Also..is it possible for the bloking customers in the same
way...if so ..how?


Yes u can block the material/customer by going to t.codes
(mm06/xd06) and there u can block or delete the concerned
material/customer master records.

Is This Answer Correct ?    0 Yes 0 No

Question { HCL, 16001 }

Will it be possible to create the sales order without item
category and scheduleline. How?


No we can't create the sales order without item category
and scheduleline.

Is This Answer Correct ?    0 Yes 1 No

Question { Satyam, 13613 }

Tell me the STO Process ?


STO movements takes place in 2 types of steps.

1. One step procedure.
2. Two step procedure.

First we need to extend the material master to the
receiving plant/storage location.In all the procedures
below mentioned by going to mm01 then mention the material
that we want to enter in the copy from,then extend the

Scenario 1 (STO between 2 storage locations btwn same plant)
1. One step procedure.

In one step procedure stock removal from storage
location1 of plant1 and stock replishment in storage
location2 takes place simutaneously with movement type(301).
by going to MB1b (t.code).In that specify the supplying
plant/storage location and the receiving plant/storage
location.And enter the material that u want to transfer.

Note: Stock transfer btwn 2 storage locations with same
plant happens if they are having the same proximaty.

2. Two step procedure.

This step is used if the storage locations of the
plants are at some distance.
In this step first ,go to MBIB T.CODE then mentioned the
supplying plant/storage location and then enter the
material with quantity to be transfered with movement type
(303)the stock will be removed from the storage location.
Then again go to MBIB t.code then mention the movement type
(305) then mention the supplying plant/storage location and
then mention the receiving plant/storage location,then
enter quantity of the stock to be received.

The same procedure will be applicable to the 2 plants of
the same company code.It depends upon the type of step that
the business requires.If the plant to plant it is always
advisory to use the 2 step procedure.

Is This Answer Correct ?    3 Yes 3 No

Question { Satyam, 4958 }

tell me @ the credit management and risk management ?


For every business giving the credit is the common
factor.But as a company we need to check the customers
payment track record and the type of customer he is.For
that purpose the credit and risk management concept is used.

For that one credit control area will be defined assigned
to company,and who ever the customers are there in the
company will be assigned the CCA,and the credit limit will
be specified for each customer,and basing upon that credit
limit the tracking of the payment is going to take place.

If any customer the credit limit exceeds and he is not
paid the amount.The sales order for that customer will be
blocked due to the exceeding credit limit of the customer.

Is This Answer Correct ?    0 Yes 0 No

Question { 4363 }

what is the difference among sales deal promotion price,
price agreement?


Sales deal promotion is for the deals that would be granted
for the specific to ocassion that the customer wants to

Ex: LG giving the sales deal to all the dealers for
special occassion to diwali.Such as if you sell 100 tv's u
can get the 1% additional discount.

And where as the price agreement is the value contracts
where the customer with in specific period of time wants
the particular products for some value.

Is This Answer Correct ?    0 Yes 0 No

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