In third Party sale a sales order of 100 qty of an item
raised but vendor supplies 40 qty of that item. Now
business wants to close the sales order after delevering of
40 qty by the vendor. In this case what
should be done. please reply
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The above answer is partly incorrect. First, the delivery
quantity is 40 not 60. Delivery related invoice will only
apply if you create a delivery. In standard 3rd party
scenario normally you don't create delivery as the vendor
delivers the goods to customer. So copy control will be F
which means "Invoice receipt quantity less invoiced
However, you can do the following:
Create sales order for 100 pcs. This will automatically
create a PR and subsequently a PO is created for 100 pcs.
The vendor delivers 40. At this point, do a GR (MIGO) for
40 pcs and then MIRO for 40 pcs. Now go back into the sales
order and change the sales order quantity to 40pcs (and
save)and invoice the customer for the 40 pcs. This will
effectively close the sales order.
I have done this and it has worked. Let me know if it works
for you too.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 11 Yes | 1 No |
Answer / subrahmanyam
In this case, create the customer invoice for 40 qty only
after vendor invoice verification completes and then set
the status as "Completed or Fully referenced" to the Sales
Is This Answer Correct ? | 4 Yes | 1 No |
Answer / pitabash, infosys, pune
Hi All !
if the vender supplies qty is 40 , then he will invoice
only for 40 qty .
According to the Billing relevance in Item category "F"
which means (F Order-related billing doc. - status
according to invoice qty)
here clearly mention that the status according to the
invoice qty of the vender. So after the invoice
verification we should bill the qty only 40 not 100.
So for the rest 60 qty . To close the sales order we need
to change the qty in sales order. & create another order
for 60qty to another vender r same vender later on.
Please let me know if I m worng.
Infosys, pune
Is This Answer Correct ? | 4 Yes | 1 No |
What you are saying is called "trading process" where the
vendor delivers the goods to you and then you deliver it to
the customer. That is correct. In such cases, billing
relevance will be delivery related billing.
In the above case, it is stated that the vendor delivers
the quantity or 40 pcs. So in this case, the billing
relevance is "F" which is correct. Also this question is
very commonly asked in the interivews and they are looking
for "third party" related answers not individual purchase
So....I guess we both are correct!
Is This Answer Correct ? | 1 Yes | 0 No |
Answer / subha
Hi Rajiv
The secenario that you are talking to relates to creating
puirchase order where you do the complete setting where
thepp or mm dept sends the purschase order through MB56 and
the supplier sends you goods and you delivery . but this
question realates to THIRD PARTY SALES. here i betthe
billing cannot beon delivery based it is always order based
Is This Answer Correct ? | 1 Yes | 0 No |
Hi Subha,
What you are saying is correct. But the billing quantity is
not going to be order quantity. It is "Invoice receipt
quantity less invoiced quantity", reason being if the order
quantity is 10 and the vendor has delivered 5, then the
bill or invoice cannot be order quantity as you will end up
charging the customer for 10 pcs. So it has to be invoice
receipt qty less invoiced quantity which is 5.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 1 Yes | 0 No |
Answer / rajiv trivedi
Question is not understood well so
reply is wrong. Q is How to close sales Order. There are 2
things to be checked/done.
1) Reduce the quantity backt to 60 in the sales order.
2) Check how Billing is created through copy control. See
If it is "F" order related than it will be billed for
100Pcs whilst delivery is only 60Pcs. It should be changed
to "K" Delivery Related-Invoices for Partial Quantity
Or "H" Delivery Related-No zero quantity.
So question is tricky to understand that how further
billing is effected for that proper closing is required.
I am 100% sure that this is correct answer. If any question
how it is wrong please explain me.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 4 Yes | 4 No |
Answer / harikrishna
Dear pitabash u have correctly answered but one thing when
it"supllioed we can customize for 1 time delivery and what
ever it"s delivered will lead to close the order .
and the invo0ice will be raised as per delivery invoice and
billing releveance is K".
Is This Answer Correct ? | 0 Yes | 1 No |
Answer / subha
to the above what subramaiyan had said i would like to add
is you need to give drop shipiment to the thrid party for
other 60 or how will the thrid party know how much to realse
and delivery
Is This Answer Correct ? | 0 Yes | 2 No |
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