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* Profession * sap sd consultant
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Questions / { vikram }
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At how many places do we do availability check in SD? When the availability check is done in sales order, what is the need to do it again in deliveries?

Cap Gemini,

9 SAP SD (Sales & Distribution) 20943

Answers / { vikram }

Question { 16062 }

What is transfer order?


Transfer Order is generated in a WM managed inventory
scenario. Picking in Warehouses are typically done in 2
steps. Firstly a T.O is created, picker goes and locates
the material and brings it to the staging areas. Here
a "KEYER" will confirm the T.O thereby completing the
picking process.

Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 0 No

Question { Satyam, 13268 }

how to post the goods reciept from storage location to
warehouse? what is the movement type?


It can be done by transaction MB1B, assuming that the
movement of stock is within the same plant. Here movement
type is 311. You can also try MIGO with "transfer posting-
other" combination and mention the movement type as 311.

Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 1 No

Question { IBM, 45495 }

What is usages in item categary determination? How & Where
are these maintained? How to assign them?


"Usage" actually means what the item (in sales order) is
being used for. For e.g. repair, text, free goods, purchase
order etc. "Usage" controls the way the system reacts, when
you process a sales document item.

Is This Answer Correct ?    10 Yes 5 No

Question { 11234 }

In system landscape where the sand box and golden box


Sandbox is an SAP client where, carrying out any
configuration will not result in generation of a change
request number. It is basically like a free playing field,
so that before we do any configuration in development
client, we can be sure that it works.

Golden Box is normally a production client or a staging
client, where config settings are not done. Config settings
are transported from Dev client into staging and then
finally into production.

Is This Answer Correct ?    0 Yes 2 No

Question { 46159 }

i want to join the course SAP-SD module in bangalore,
Institute name: Enterprise logic pvt india ltd,bangalore...
how is the institute...,and also pls suggest me other
institutes in bangalore.., i am having 2.3 yrs exp in Sales


Suggesting somebody to get experience in preparing fake
resumes is the worst thing you can do. You can get trained
in any institute you want, siemens or some mushroom
institute, but main thing is you should get what you are
looking for. Do you seriously think that companies won't
recognize if you fake your resume? Every now and then we
keep reading top companies throwing people out becoz of
fake CVs and fake experience. DO NOT TREAD THAT PATH !

Is This Answer Correct ?    2 Yes 1 No

Question { 21828 }

What is the use of condition type in pricing procedure


Condition type is where the different conditions applicable
in a sale like base price, discounts, surcharges etc. The
system utilizes the condition technique to look for records
(price as an e.g.) by an access sequence, using a pricing
procedure, where different condition types are contained.
This, per me, is the user of a condition type in a PPD.

Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 0 No

Question { 71261 }

What is the difference between Post Goods Issue & Post
Goods Received.


Post Goods Issue is done when an outbound delivery is
processed. That generally is the final step in delivery

Post Goods Receipt is done in MIGO, against a P.O/STO or
against an inbound delivery number.

Is This Answer Correct ?    23 Yes 3 No

Question { 4824 }

can i knw wht type of reports so be genetrated by abap
consultant for
sd guys
can i get sme scenarios
and which tables are regualrly used by sd consultants
fo making reports


There are many reports used by SD consultants and
functional consultants. Some examples could be shipping
summary by plant report, it could be a report showing the
delivery due list, it could be a report which shows the
tracking numbers or BOL numbers for a particular delivery.
Some of the tables regularly used by SD consultants are

Is This Answer Correct ?    2 Yes 0 No

Question { Wipro, 13400 }

whats consignment? and whats the procedure to do it?


Us, I disagree with you.

Sorry Rakesh, I accidentally marked your answer as wrong. I
think what you are saying is right. Consignment process is
an agreement between the company and the customer or
consignor and the consignee. If there is an agent in
between, then he is more likely called an intermediate
consignee. What I know is the intermediate consignee then
becomes the ship-to to the company selling/sending the
goods requested by the customer.

Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 2 No

Question { 10489 }

In Third Party transaction, do we take the material into
stocks when the Vendor has shipped the material to our
warehouse? (please let me know the answer from SD


In 3rd party scenario, the company takes the sales order
from the customer. The item category is TAS and then a P.O
is generated/issued to the Vendor, who in turn delivers the
order to the customer. Vendor then submits the invoice to
the company. The company then does an invoice verification
and then creates the invoice to the customer.

Is This Answer Correct ?    5 Yes 1 No

Question { 10489 }

In Third Party transaction, do we take the material into
stocks when the Vendor has shipped the material to our
warehouse? (please let me know the answer from SD


I don't see anyone answering to the point to the question
posted, even though all the above answers are correct as
far as the process is concerned. The answer to the question
is "YES". If the material is delivered by vendor to your
warehouse (individual purchase order scenario) and you ship
it to the customer, without doing a GR you would not be
able to do a GI on the delvery. So answer is YES.

Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 2 No

Question { 11068 }

Apart from the customer master, where else do we maintain
the payment terms?


Apart from customer masters, payment terms are maintained
at SPRO-->Sales and Distribution-->Master Data-->Business
Partners-->Customers-->Billing Document-->"Define terms of


Is This Answer Correct ?    2 Yes 10 No

Question { IBM, 21101 }

In a sales order there are 10 line items and the customer
wants to cancel 1 item how u do that.


If the line item has already been delivered, then the line
item cannot be canceled. If you need to cancel it still,
then the line item in the delivery or the delivery itself
needs to be deleted and then canceled in the sales order.

The item can be set to "cancel" status in the sales order
using the reason for rejection code.

Is This Answer Correct ?    2 Yes 1 No

Question { KPIT, 19418 }

What is the role of a SAP SD Functional consultant with over
three years of experience in TESTING phase of Implementation
of a SAP Project?
a)Are Test plans being created by SD consultant?if yes then how?
b)who will develop test strategy?
I was asked what are the test plans you have created What
should be my answer to that particular question in detail
with example thanks in advance from an unemployee waiting
for your response


The role of a SD consultant (here I mean IT BA) in testing
phase is to create unit test plans by working with
Functional support team or the business team. He may also
work with them to create Integrating test scripts as well,
but the integrating testing will normally be done by the
Functional Support team and the ITBA will be intimated
about any issues via ZLOG or something like that. Examples
could be testing of critical and heavy duty transactions,
reports etc.

Is This Answer Correct ?    8 Yes 2 No

Question { Wipro, 25510 }

In third Party sale a sales order of 100 qty of an item
raised but vendor supplies 40 qty of that item. Now
business wants to close the sales order after delevering of
40 qty by the vendor. In this case what
should be done. please reply


I agree with subramanyam and would also go and say that it
would be a better idea to update the sales order with the
quantity actually delivered, else it might give conflicting
information when the sale order and invoice are seeing in

Is This Answer Correct ?    5 Yes 1 No

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