We have got some values for Field F1 say 1,2,3,4 and F2 say
10,10,10,10.Now can you tell me what would be the output for
F1 if we use At End Of event?and what would be the output
for F2 if we use At Last event?Also i want to know what is
the difference between Total calculation for At end event
and grand total for At last event???
What are the table controls in bdc ? What is the difference between bdc and lsmw ?what is the difference between bdc and rfc ? : abap bdc
what is the output of given code? data : f1 type i, f2 type i. write : / f1, f2. do 2 times. perform addfld. enddo. write : / f1, f2. form addfld. data : f1 type i, f2 type i. add 1 to f1. add 1 to f2. write : / f1 , f2. endform. int : f1 , f2.
1.Which of the following is not an EXIT command? options: BACK, CANCEL, STOP, EXIT? 2.To write certain contents in sap script without skipping to the next page, which command is used? Options: ADDRESS...ENDADDRESS, PROTECT...ENDPROTECT, AT...ENDAT 3. When using a table control in module pool, which statement has to present in both PAI and PBO. options : FIELD, LOOP..ENDLOOP, CHAIN...ENDCHAIN 4. Lock objects are : options : FUNCTION MODULES, PROGRAMS, TABLES
A database table contains 3 fields(Student_no,Section,Total_marks).I want retrieve top 10 students from each section.Note:(Section contains data like A,B,C.Each section contains more than 10 students).
How to call a subroutine in sapscript?
What is sap abap data dictionary?
what is Deep Structure?
5 Answers Cap Gemini, TATA, TCS,
Events that can be used in both the classical and interactive reports
Whom you report if you face difficulty in understanding the business process given in Functional Spec.
what is synchronous and asynchronous updates in BDC's, whats their difference ?
how should post data from my internal table to flat file manually in bdc .please explain step by step
how to change output option of table control?