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ACS Interview Questions
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What is the abbreviation of SMILE

12 32394

I am looking for the information in detail about archiving object "CATPROACH"?(SAP R/3 Data Archiving) I am thankful sharing the available information with me and expecting prompt reply


What is the diffrence between BUILD & RELEASE ?

3 10245

What is the default interval for SAP updates? A.) 60 seconds B.) 15 seconds C.) 30 seconds D.) 120 seconds

1 7880

When we are going for Automation?

3 8479

General Knowledge & Current Affairs Questions and Answers - Set 2

174 1211325

What is Normalization ?

55 78498

What is the difference between a Physical File & a Logical?

28 105767

What is the diff bet Message box and Dialog box,anybody can answer it.... Thanks in advance

4 26636

Wht are the Test cases do we write for Message Box.. can anybody answer it.. Thanks in Advance..

3 13187

Wht are the Test cases do we write for Dialog box.. can anybody answer it.. Thanks in advance

3 7514

In the Testing, How do we find the Duplicate Defects. In the case of testing is going on On-site r off-shore..some times on site and off-shore people may enter defects at the same time..those may include duplicate defects. how we have to find those defects..

1 7818

how many web.config files are there in 1 project.we can overwrite the web.config files

23 40357

Can u explain about QTP framework

10 15780

plz tell how to test this: We have to change the password of password field the condition is:The password will expiry after 30 days and that should not allow last 12 similar passwords....

2 10843

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What are the Dynamic diagrams in UML?


What is datacontractserializer in wcf?


What is personnel cost planning?


What is the size of partition table?


working principle of oil startar


How do you sort a dataframe in descending order?


Can you please explain the difference between thread and process?


Can anyone share/send me QTP 8.2 Crack as I had it before but now it's virus affected. Pls send me on Thanks, ~Vijay


centrifugal compressor interlock? Tell me the parameter at which compressor will trip


How long will windows update take?


What are ios apps written in?


What is Hard mount and soft Mount?


Explain about RDB-Save method?


Differentiate between univariate, bivariate and multivariate analysis?


What is xpointer in xml?