Human Resources Interview Questions
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Why Do you want to change your Job

Financial Technologies,

6 9893

Please send me Entrance exam sample pappers for management level of Shipping Corporation of india


What can you do for the growth of BHEL?



How do you make a business plan for a recruitment firm already established with 20+ staff?


I have completed my fashion technology course and after that i did my MBA,during interviews they used to ask like why i choose MBA after fashion technology.


All the IT Companies paid more Dividend" If yes,Explain in detail,IF no justify the Answer


1. “A well – thought out orientation program is especially important for employees who have had little or no work experience.” – Comment.

2 15843

2. Explain the four types of appraisal interview and how they affect the way you manage the interview in Textile Industries.

2 21654

Should the job evaluation depend on an appraisal of the job holder’s performance in shipping industries? Give suitable examples


4. Develop an incentive plan for Chemical Engineer, Plant Manager, and Sales Person. What factors would you consider in developing incentive?

BBB, LinkedIn, MBA, TATA,

2 21090

what is the difference between a head-hunting recruitment and referral recruitment?

2 8288

what are the objectives of HR?

1 4597

why u want to join the recruitment field?

2 5651

why u want to skip from computer application to HR?

1 3387

why do u want to skip from commerce to hr?


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In short Span of time in an Interview ? Anyone Can Judge a Person by a Interviewer ? Then why that Need of bad I.R comes to a Company ? Think thier Traditional Selection Process is not good enough ?


Why did you changed your career from Hotel Management to MBA in HR ?


what do you understand is the purpose of business objectives and how are these influenced by a study of PESTLE and affected by a consideration of SWOT


Hii I pased my MBA HR through corespondance and I did my BSC (com sci) right now I am not in my country and I don't know any thing about HR because I passed my MBA just for passing now can any one tell me what should I do to get a job ? In which field should I go ? I have 7 months experience in HR but I don't think its working to find a job. pls suggest me what should I do?


express your imagination of a situation where you were at the verge of failure but turned it into success through your ingenuity?


In any construction company which training method is more effective on-the-job or off-the-job and why it is more effective?


what are all the human resource policies?


What should be the components of a fair policy with regard to collecting, maintaining, and disseminating information about employees?


Recruitment is positive process while selection is negative process why?


can some one be a technical recruiter in usa with dependent visa and no work permit having mba degree from india.please need answer urgently


What control mechanisms might be most appropriate to ensure that action plans match targeted needs?


What was the most difficult presentation that you've had to make? How did you overcome the difficulty?


what is the mandatory t code for frontend recruitment process?


2. What do you enjoy about your work place? 3. What is your work ethic? Give an example when your work ethic was challenged and how you dealt with it.


what is memo & which no of memo given to the worker and termination of service.