Electrical Engineering Interview Questions
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how will i find Transformer rating if supply voltage is 11k.v and how will i find incomer if transformer rating is 12MVA

3 5039

Sir, I need a power supply at 380V. The supply I get in three phase is rated 415V. The total supply I have from the supply company is 70KW. Kindly inform if it is better to use a voltage stabiliser for this purpose or a transformer

3 5660

from where the self excitrd induction generator get the power?why is the voltage regulation is poor of seig?


why bulbs when connected in series glow dim

4 10849

How we can change the direction of rotation of Induction motor? Prove it using graphical


What happens with squirrel induction machines if the ends of rotor conductors are kept open? Explain

3 5091

How we can change the direction of rotation of Induction motor? Prove it using graphical methods.

2 4711

if we increase the frequency given to a transformer then wat will happen to the transformer size, whether it will increase?

4 8269

How calculate the Transformer Impedence With Example

3 6288

How can we reduce the reactive power consumption of your 12.5 MVA power transformer.

4 7499

what is motor

HBL Power Systems,

6 7863

How to decrease or increase the range of voltmeter? can an ammeter be used to measure voltage? can a wattmeter used as voltmeter and ammeter?

3 23721

When batteries are connected in series the voltage increases but the current remains unchanged, how can this be? When you consider ohm's law. i.e. If voltage increases, current increases, providing resistance remains the same.

10 11343

What makes the difference between 50Hz supply and 60Hz supply which one is economical and how can you support your answer...........?

Fertichem, Kuwait Oil Company,

2 7320

Witch do depand of Power factor and theory of power factor?


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Is it possible to protect 3phase overload and earth fault of the 3phase system using two CT's.


What is Control & Relay Panel? And Remote Control Center?


what is acceptance test in electrical engineering.


Single line diagrams for star to delta and DOL starters.


What is a feedback in control system?


What are the different sign conventions used in electric circuits?


can i connect REF and Differencial relay in 1 CT core for transformer protection?


What is a difference between indoor transformer and outdoor transformer of same rating


How to address the servo drive for motor


What is the difference between isolators and electrical circuit breakers? What is bus-bar?


Apparent power is expressed as V * I(Conjugate). Why not in V * I ?


I want to merge a cable..in between two metering Cubicals which contains CT's and PT's and Energy meter..before taking merger..what are the common things required?


what will happen when the dc supply is given to the capacitor?


What is the Surge suppresor? Why using in a UDB's and How it works?


why zero sequence impedance measurement is not applicable for single phase GT