Electrical Engineering Interview Questions
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to vary valtage from 0 - max a variac is necessary . so how to design for high power applications nearly about 200KW power


how will reduce the voltage. if 12volt/250ma transformer toreduce 6 volt


How you calculating the current for a 2.5 Sqmm cable. A 30 Hp 3 phase AC motor of power what size of cable is used for this motor.


7 22727

What is the difference between Ceiling Fan armature and Tablefan Armature or winding.


5 9681

If we connect capacitor in series DC supply so what happened?

4 8951

if we supply DC power to AC transformer then what its result?

15 14857

can d.c.transformer exist? if yes then what its max. rating?

6 7336

give me atleast four differences between circuit and network


how to calculate the cable size

3 6154

why motor burns ?

5 8105

What is correction factor in Tan delta test?

1 8192

effect of single phase transformer on full load current?

2 4097

What happens with squirrel induction machines if the ends of rotor conductors are kept open? Explain

5 6442

How we can change the direction of rotation of Induction motor? Prove it using graphical methods.

Adama University,

4 6111

figure of phasor diagram of transformer when full load or no load ?

Swastik, TCS,

1 11363

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Un-Answered Questions { Electrical Engineering }

why to use freewheeling diode ( diode in revers bias mode) across dc coil


how will reduce the voltage. if 12volt/250ma transformer toreduce 6 volt


how to calculate current and voltage in a same circuit?


What is the rating of circuit breaker needed for 300 KVA load in 33 KV supply line in a transformer of 33 KV / 415 Volt ?


Difference between ac parallel circuit and ac series circuit?


How to set a Zone 1 distance relay for distribution feeder?


How to calculate the fuse rating depend upon the DC circuit?


why we permissive overreach in distance protection.where it is applicable to use in long r short lines


What is quadrantal symmetry?


What are the advantages of using distance protection schemes as opposed to normal overcurrent/ earth fault protection on high voltage feeders.


What is the function of electron gun assembly used in crt?


How many capacitors using in LT panel as per Govt rules?


What should be the Sandwitch type Al. bus bar capacity for 2 M.W.Gen. set, having continuous full load current- 3463 Amps,ambient temp.- 50 Deg. C., Required temp. raise-20 deg.C., it will run 24 hrs, 365 days on full load, required highly reliable.


calculate external resistance values to add to the rotor of a slip ring induction motor. STATOR- 415 V, 3 phase delta, 1100 A, 50 Hz, 1490 rpm, pf 0,86 ROTOR - 660 V, 590 A, 50 Hz. STATOR current at each steps STEP1-600A,STEP2- 800A,STEP3-1000A,STEP4-1100A.


what type of questions are asked and howmwny questions belong this catagory?