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Air circuit breaker safety


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If we impress a dc voltage of 230 V on an unloaded 230 V, 50 Hz transformer it wi A give high secondary voltage B burn out C give secondary voltage as per K D none of these


How can we calculate strength of copper hich is supplying electric power to heater and in it hold the heater also and what r all types of forces which is acting on it...


how we will deside the high voltage value


why we permissive overreach in distance protection.where it is applicable to use in long r short lines


We have a couple of oil tanks at our plant. One of them does not have a lightning arrester installed. My question is it necessary to install an arrestor on every tank or will this particular one be covered by the arrestor installed on the ajdacent tank, Since all the tanks are close to each other. Basically, I want to know that if these arrestors or protection works in a parituclar area of effect or influence. Thanks


Which is the oldest hydropower plant in india?


What is turn ratio of a transformer?


What is the loss of power of transformer 220kv/33kv,63/80mva of % imp12.05 at 80%load


if negative of DC supply used and positive is grounded through EGB, and if ELCB used in the system then is it sense the positive volatge and get tripped is it possible?


what is mean by restructuring power system?


How to calculate the electrical load for a standard telecom BTS shelter and choose the DG set capacity for the same load?


How o select the electrical fuse?.What are its characteristics.How to select the material od fuse?


132/66kv sub-station procation ?


what are the values of VRY,VYB,VBR,Vry,Vyb,Vbr,Vrn,Vyn,Vbn for Magenetic balance test of 100 KVA and 63 KVA Distribution transformer


Why do not we prefer non conventional sources of energy to conventional sources?