In R/3 u can represent a company?s structure by defining
and assigning corporate structure elements. what is the
purpose of doing that?
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Answer / riyaj
to achieve flexibility of complex corporate structure,
adapt changes in corporate structure
distinguish between logistics views
* more answers welcome
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Answer / gangi reddy
in every company may have complexity of sale's structure
so we need to simplipy and fix up responcibility'of sale's
process.and how internally logistics are move from company
to customer.
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Answer / syed
To Map the Corporate Structure with in the R/3 Environment .to start the basic of all functionalities in R/3 .
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Answer / mohd khaja shamsuddin
Corporate structure elements include marketing ,Finance, accounting , HR, and IT. five divisions represent the major departments to achieve flexibility of corporate structure to adopt the changes which can seen in different views
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