SAP Basis Interview Questions
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What are the differences between system fresh and client fresh?


4 10706

What is supplementation language?


3 11678

Can SAP patches be installed when other users are online?


8 16520

In the Sap Easy Access Menu I see the menu System -> User Profiles ->Own Data. Other options Hold Data is to keep data values that you have entered in a field of an application for the duration of the session; SET DATA not to overwrite the data and DELETE DATA to delete the set data. Can somebody explain me the Hold Data, Set Data and Delete Data with examples, i mean giving an example of fields?


Background jobs scheduling possible for operating system level in SAP Basis. discribe the details

6 17904

I have a requirement from the SD people wherein whenver one runs the tcode F-02 (Enter G/L account Policy : Header Data), they should not get the list of all acounts in the ACCOUNT field. But when i go to pfcg to check for restricting the list, i dont find any pertinet auth field for doing so. Isi t something that we can ( as Basis Admin) do or the ABAPpers to do. Maybe the ABAPpers have to program the screen where in they need to restrict the list options. If not so, lemme know the auth field that has to bet set if any.



Hai Guys, Can any guy tell me the clear view of CTS in transport management system. i read in SAP R/3 but i not understand so tell me in your words. >

1 5489

hai tell me that which back ground program is run when we using tp param , client copy and back ground jobs schduling, and if any other you know tell me guys?


3 9321

how can we configure reference user in user maintenance ?


2 6477

Hai which kernel version, and patch version and now in real time we need to apply? ie means which version is now running on real time?

4 7801

how can we create a particular tables buffer which are mostly used/ And where we can see them ?

1 6556

How can we transport one or two users in client copy from one client to another client?

1 2963

how can we transport one or two tables in client copy from one client to another client?

1 5393

How can we creat a Z authorization object, can anyone help me with the procedure and the T-code for the same?

5 17261

I also wanna work with Webdynpros? What are the requirements? I mean SAP 4.7 ee or ECC 5 or 6? Netweaver developer Studio? Also with win 2003 i have the activation problem every month. SO do i get a cd that doesnt ask for the activation? i have win 2000 but can it be installed on HP pavilion laptops that are coming preinstalled with Vista OS?


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Un-Answered Questions { SAP Basis }

Explain logon groups?


How to do transport at OS level?


How to uncar car/sar files in a single shot?


How to perform the transport?


Using Tc SGEN I have generated 74% job and later I have terminated the job. I wish to start generating from where it stopped I have refreshed but to no chance, nothing was done. How should I further proceed so as to complete the remaining job?


What is the difference between central instance & application server?


Explain what is “data sets” in sap?


What are the different options available for scheduling a background job? What start conditions type can be used?


How do you check the users logs in your system and how many sessions each user is generating?


What are the daily activates?


What is sap netweaver administrator tool?


Is system user sap basis consultant and dialogue user other user like fico, hr, mm user?


Explain deletion flag. Where is it used in archiving process?


How to apply java stacks ? expalin step by step prcoess


Can you tell me installation procedure of SAP on UNIX